Phantom Capital

In a small, poor city, everyone is in debt and lives on borrowing. One day, a rich tourist comes to the city, enters the hotel and puts $ 100 under the account to go check and choose a suitable room; And in this period:

The hotel owner takes the opportunity, takes $ 100 and goes to the butcher to pay off his debt.The butcher rejoices with these dollars and rushes the cattle merchant to pay off his debt.

- The cattle dealer takes 100 dollars and rushes to the feed dealer to pay off his debt.

- The feed dealer goes to the truck driver, who brought the feed from his country far, to pay back his late dues.

- The truck driver runs quickly to the Sunrise Hotel, from which he rents a room on debt when he is present to hand the fodder to rest from the hassle of traveling, and gives the hotel owner $ 100 to pay off his debts.

- The owner of the hotel returns and puts the hundred dollars in place, before the rich tourist descends from his inspection tour.

The rich tourist, who did not like the level of the rooms, goes down and decides to take the hundred dollars and leave the city!!!

In the end, none of the city's residents earned anything but they paid all their debts.

This is how the world’s economics are managed!!!

Ziad Amir Ramadan IG1B